I wrote what's below in response see to a question on Equestria Daily. Until I read it over a few time I didn't realize how much this has meant to me. The only events in my life that compare are meeting my husband, having puppies with my jack russell Zosia and getting sober.
August 18th was the day i watched my first episode of MLP. My life today is completely different. For 34 years I have felt out of step. Into science, technology, fantasy and other esoteric things that the people around me were not interested it. As a kid in school I was bullied and further isolated. I was always afraid to join up with any kind of team activity or group.And that's how Equestria was made...
I'm not a shy person by any means, most people would say I'm an extrovert and charming. That's only true when I have something in front of me like my camera or a work project. Inside I feel very different and I have to hide those "geeky" things about me.
My Little Pony got me over that.
I went through the oft described stages of becoming a brony; from outright rejection to inward acceptance to outward pride. There was a day I just said "Fuck it, I'm 34 years old and I'm allowed to like what I like. Why am I letting other people define me?"
I joined the NYC Bronies group and went to a meetup. I was so nervous that the nigh before i stared at the ceiling all night. When I arrived at the comic book reading meetup I very quickly found a group that understood so many facets of myself that I hadn't dared to show anyone else.
I found my people.
Also, before MLP I considered my self an artistic hack. I design websites, printed materials, books and stuff like that. I also am a professional photographer. I always felt like I was just hacking someone else's idea. When people would call me artistic I never felt that I earned it.
I have never been inspired before in my life. I now write, I took up sculpting I started drawing. I am interested in music again. I feel like a dynamo spun up inside me. I dont feel like a hack anymore.
I found that I'm talented.
Sorry to go on so long but I'm near tears writing this. Its meant so much to me and my life is so different today.
Thank you to everybody in this community. The show is amazing and all, but without the fandom and it's amazing creative output i would still be stuck in a metaphoric black and white Kansas.
tl;dr - I have nerdy, cool friends and I am creating art.