Thursday, March 13, 2014

So I quit my job again...

I am a pony of many talents, thank Celestia!
This fact has allowed me to somehow always put food on my table... If I was willing to work for it. 
I have good talents and bad,  of course just like any alcoholic.
This particular pony is a great hoof-net designer, can layout a mean book, balance the books of a corporation, make neat animations and build a computer among other things.  I can also be manipulative, cruel, and conniving to get what I need.
I took a job to help a friend in November. It's a pretty intense job and the little bit of money it got me was alright. It also took all of my time. My meetings have fallen off, my clients in my main business have suffered and I'm poorer than when I started.
Oh well. It took a moment to figure out that I needed to move on and get back to my business that I own...

I'm really tired and ready to sleep, but I'm glad I've arrived at a decision and I get to move on. It's really hard to move on for this alcoholic pony, but with Celestia's grace,  I should be alright.

More to come...

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