Thursday, August 29, 2013


I'm really lucky that I don't have the desire to drink or drug anymore. I was such a sick and sorry pony when I came into AA. The desire to use was lifted really quickly for me.
That being said, I still have a ton of character defects and problems in my life.
The one I'm dealing with today is entitlement. I just can't get my yellow hind-end into gear. I guess I expect my life and my bills to be just taken care of. As I've said earlier, if I don't work I don't get bits. Apartments in Manehattan are expensive!
Maybe I'm just being hard on myself?  I don't know. I have learned that I don't always get answers when I want them.
I want to be a successful stallion. I want to create amazing things that everypony knows about.
There is nopony alive that is really good at anything that didn't get good without work. I still want to be the exception and I want big rewards without work.
Dear Celestia, give me the strength to get through today and make progress where I need to.
I'm having a really hard time doing the next right thing today.
I at least have an opportunity to do the right thing today because I didn't drink or use a drug.
I'm going to a meeting tonight. I wonder if I will learn anything that will help this pony today...
Original art credit goes to icantunloveyou at deviantArt

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